JOTF POLICY ALERT – January 11, 2018
JOTF POLICY ALERT – January 11, 2018
HB 1- Maryland Healthy Working Families Act
HB 694 – Maryland Fair Access to Education Act of 2017
Today, the Maryland House of Delegates voted to override the gubernatorial vetoes on two of JOTF’s key priorities seeking to improve conditions and outcomes for Maryland working families: House Bill 1 – Maryland Healthy Working Families Act to provide paid sick leave to over 700,000 Marylanders who must choose between their income and health, and House Bill 694- Maryland Fair Access to Education Act of 2017 to prohibit inquiries into criminal history on certain initial college applications. With your help, we were able to successfully educate the Maryland General Assembly on the merits of supporting and advancing these important issues on behalf of all Marylanders.
THANK YOU to the legislators who stood with the advocates in support of these important issues on behalf of Maryland workers. Those legislators who took a stand and provided a voice for the Marylanders who just want a fair chance in accessing higher education and time to take care of themselves or family members when they fall ill, THANK YOU!
THANK YOU to the advocates who worked tirelessly making calls, sending emails, travelling to Annapolis to deliver testimony, and rallying in support of these important issues.
JOTF could not have done this without your support. These victories are a huge benefit to Maryland working families and could not have happened without your help.
Stay tuned for steps on effective implementation of these policies into law. But, for now, give yourself a round of applause for contributing to this important victory!
Caryn York
Executive Director