Jan 10, 2018

JOTF Policy Alert – Jan 10th, 2018

Call Your Legislator TODAY!
Urge Them to Vote GREEN on
SB 543/HB 694 – Maryland Fair Access to Education Act of 2017

During the 2017 legislative session, Governor Hogan vetoed two of JOTF’s major priorities – #PaidSickLeave and #BantheBox on college applications. Both pieces of legislation would improve conditions and outcomes for Maryland working families.

While both are under attack, JOTF needs your help to secure the votes to override the gubernatorial veto for the Maryland Fair Access to Education Act of 2017. This bill would prohibit colleges and universities from requiring prospective students to check a box on certain initial admissions applications indicating if they have been arrested or convicted of a crime.

This bill passed the General Assembly with bipartisan support and if successful, would have made Maryland the FIRST state in the nation with this type of statewide law. Neither Democrats nor Republicans could reconcile using criminal history to determine eligibility for higher education. The data shows no correlation between the two.

However, it is well established that education is correlated to income. As such, JOTF believes that anyone who desires an education should have access to it, regardless of prior criminal history.

Actions to override this veto begin TODAY, and we need your support. Please take a moment to contact your legislator and urge them to vote GREEN on SB543/HB694 – Maryland Fair Access to Education Act of 2017. You can find their information here.

If you have any questions, please contact JOTF’s Senior Policy Advocate Nikki Thompson at [email protected].

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