2/4/2016 – Earned Sick Leave Introduced with Majority Support
JOTF Policy Update – February 4, 2016
Earned Sick Leave Introduced with Majority Support!
Citing the need to protect the health and economic security of working families across Maryland, state legislators introduced the 2016 Healthy Working Families Act with solid majorities in both the House and Senate. JOTF joined Working Matters for a press conference featuring impacted workers, supportive business owners, and several coalition partners. Click here for a roundup of press coverage.
JOTF Legislative Priorities
Healthy Working Families Act
HB 580/SB 472
Everyone gets sick and everyone deserves time to recover without risking their economic stability, yet 40 percent of American workers are unable to earn paid sick days. In Maryland, more than 700,000 of our neighbors are forced to make impossible choices: go to work sick, send an ill child to school or daycare, or stay home and sacrifice much-needed income or, worse, risk job loss.
The Working Matters Coalition,
of which JOTF is a founding member, supports legislation that would enable workers to earn a limited number of annual paid sick and safe days from their employer.
Awaiting bill hearing dates.
Fact Sheet
Working Matters Coalition
Recent Press Coverage
For more information or to provide support, contact Melissa Broome.
Criminal Procedure – Partial Expungement
HB 220/SB 328
Under current Maryland law, criminal records with charges that did not result in a conviction are eligible for expungement. However, Maryland’s “unit rule” permanently prohibits expungement of eligible charges if all charges within a unit are are not eligible for expungement.
The proposed legislation will allow persons to request the ‘partial expungement’ of any charges within a unit that would otherwise be eligible for expungement, regardless of other ineligible charges. Repeal of the unit rule will mean that Marylanders who have interacted with the criminal justice system increase their likelihood of obtaining employment.
HB 220 will be heard on March 8 at 1 pm in the House Judiciary Committee. SB 328 is awaiting a bill hearing date.
Recent Press Coverage
For more information or to provide support, contact Caryn Aslan.
Criminal Procedure – Automatic Expungement – Non-Convictions
Maryland’s existing laws require a formal petition process and fee to expunge eligible criminal records. This process is cumbersome and presents significant barriers for job seekers.
This proposed legislation would authorize the automatic expungement of court and police records related to charges that result in a dismissal or acquittal- after a required three-year waiting period, or sooner under specified circumstances.
Awaiting bill introduction.
For more information or to provide support, contact Caryn Aslan.
Motor Vehicle Insurance- Discrimination in Underwriting and Rating – Prohibitions
Mobility is important for working families, yet the insurance industry practice of setting rates based on factors unrelated to driving performance mean certain Marylanders pay more for insurance than others.
As members of the state’s Task Force to Study Methods to Reduce the rate of Uninsured Drivers, JOTF will encourage policymakers to consider how low-income residents are impacted by insurance industry practices and will closely monitor any legislation that may arise in 2016 as a result of Task Force recommendations.
Awaiting bill introduction.
For more information or to provide support, contact Melissa Broome.
Higher Education- Community Colleges – Workforce Development Sequence Grants and Scholarships
SB 38
Increasing access to post-secondary education can strengthen Maryland’s families and communities and improve outcomes for the low-income residents, especially as workers with college experience are more likely to move out of poverty and attain higher-paying jobs.
SB 38 would establish Workforce Development Sequence Scholarships as a form of financial aid for Marylanders pursuing community college courses that increase job readiness or contribute to licensure, certification or skill enhancement.
SB 38 was heard on
Jan. 20 in the Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee. Awaiting committee vote.
For more information or to provide support, contact Melissa Broome.
*During the 2016 state legislative session, JOTF will also closely monitor the budget process and be prepared to act should harmful cuts arise in the areas of post-secondary access, adult education, or workforce development.
JOTF Legislative Watch List
Bills featured in the watch list are tracked by our policy experts, but their appearance here does not necessarily indicate JOTF support.
Earned Income Tax Credit- Expansion
SB 294
Maryland’s refundable EITC works with the federal EITC to help 400,000 working families throughout Maryland make ends meet and stay out of poverty.
This bill would expand access to the EITC for low-income workers, focusing on those without dependent children. The proposed legislation would allow these workers to qualify for an EITC of 100% of the federal credit, a maximum of $503 in 2016. This modification could benefit over 355,000 Marylanders, effectively doubling the current EITC impact.
SB 294 will be heard on Feb. 17 at 1 pm in the Sentate Budget and Tax Committee.
Earned Income Tax Credit- Refundability
SB 295
The proposed legislation would increase the percentage of the federal earned income credit used to determine the amount that an individual may claim under the Maryland earned income credit.
SB 295 will be heard on Feb. 17 at 1 pm in the Senate Budget and Tax Committee.
Maryland Education Opportunity Act of 2016
HB 18
The proposed legislation exempts recent high school graduates from payment of tuition to attend a community college in the State. It also provides a 50% discount on tuition to individuals unemployed for at least 6 months but who have been seeking employment while attending a community college and seeking a vocational certificate.
HB 18 was heard on Jan. 26 in the House Appropriations Committee. Awaiting committee vote.
Unemployment Insurance -Recovery of Benefits and Penalties for Fraud
SB 90
This legislation would increase penalties for claimants who have been found to have fraudulently received unemployment insurance (UI) benefits.
SB 90 was heard on Jan.19 in the Senate Finance Committee. Awaiting committee vote.
Civil Penalties for Shoplifting and Employee Theft- Repeal
HB 190/SB 508
The proposed legislation will remove the ability for merchants to sue anyone suspected of theft (shoppers or employees) for payment of money unrelated to the actual damages.
HB 190 was heard on Feb. 3 in the House Judiciary Committee. Awaiting committee vote. SB 508 is awaiting a bill hearing date.
Paystub Transparency Act of 2016
HB 197
The proposed legislation would establish a standard of basic accounting and employment information to be included on paystubs distributed to employees.
HB 197 was heard on Feb. 2 in the House Economic Matters Committee. Awaiting committee vote.
Labor and Employment – Apprenticeship Career Training in Our Neighborhoods (ACTION) Program – Establishment
HB 290/SB 545
The proposed legislation would create the Apprenticeship Career Training in our Neighborhood (ACTION) grant program to be administered by DLLR. The program would provide grants to employers that hire building and construction trade apprentices who reside in zip codes which the poverty rate is at least 20%.
HB 290 was heard on Feb. 2 in the House Economic Matters Committee. Awaiting committee vote. SB 545 is awaiting a bill hearing date.
Criminal Procedure- Nonviolent Felons – Stet, Shielding and Expungement
SB 329
The proposed legislation would expand both shielding and expungement access to Marylanders by allowing nonviolent felonies to be eligible for shielding three (3) years after the successful completion of the sentence, including probation. The shielded record would become eligible for expungement after an additional three (3) year waiting period.
SB 329 is awaiting a bill hearing date.
Criminal Procedure -Expungement- Nolle Prosequi
SB 215
The proposed legislation would repeal the provision requiring individuals to waive their right to sue if they want to expunge a nolle pros’ charge immediately.
SB 215 is awaiting a bill hearing date.