4/1/2016 – JOTF ACTION ALERT! Earned Sick Days Headed to House Floor TODAY
Earned Sick Days Headed to House Floor TODAY!
YOU DID IT! After four years of tireless advocacy, earned sick days legislation is headed to the floor of the Maryland House of Delegates in just a few short minutes!
The bill was voted out of the Economic Matters Committee late Wednesday and is expected to be debated on the House floor this morning.
As momentum continues to build and we approach final passage in the House, we must rapidly turn our attention to the Maryland State Senate, where we need the leadership of Senate President Mike Miller to ensure passage in 2016.
Please take a quick minute today to call the office of Senate President Miller. It couldn’t be easier and will only take a moment. We’ve pasted a sample script below so that you’ll know exactly what to say when an aide answers the phone.
Senate President Miller
(410) 841-3700
With the end of session fast approaching, please make a call today! Encourage your friends and colleagues to do the same.
My name is ________ and I live in ________, Maryland. I’m calling to ask for Senate President Miller’s leadership on earned sick days legislation, known as Senate Bill 472. More than 700,000 Marylanders can’t afford to wait another year for earned paid sick days. It’s time for a Senate vote. Thank you!