Transportation and Success

by Matt Stubbs

Many of us take for granted having a readily available mode of transportation. We have no worries or doubts about how we are getting to work in the morning or how we are going to drop our kids off at school or daycare. For some, however, a reliable source of transportation is life changing. In March, a JumpStart graduate named Harold received a car from Vehicles for Change (VFC) with JOTF’s sponsorship.

Harold has struggled to find and maintain a permanent job with a life-sustaining wage. Harold was offered a position after graduating that would require a 90 minute drive. Even though Harold currently didn’t have a car he was determined to make this opportunity work. Upon completing the VFC application, Harold found out he was not insurable due to some unpaid previous car insurance which made working with Vehicles for Change impossible. Through hard work and determination Harold was able to find temporary transportation to the new job and save enough money to pay down his unpaid insurance as well as purchase the necessary documents required to apply for a vehicle from VFC. He is currently making $13 an hour and impressing his supervisors. Harold’s case is not the exception for JumpStart graduates. We have assisted over 40 graduates receive cars and almost 90 graduates complete driver’s education.

The transportation barrier is something many Baltimoreans deal with every day (checkout the License to Work section of our 2011 summer newsletter). So remember the next time you’re driving and frustrated with traffic, public busses, or stop lights that there a lot people who would gladly switch places with you.

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